
  • Nikit Aiziev is a designer based in the UK. He has been experimenting with some really nice black and white Kinetic type. Check out his website for some more work.

  • Experimental

    Your Type Studio

    by admin

    Your Type Studio was founded in the summer of 2015 by Susana Fernandes and Richard Wilson. With backgrounds in wholesale fashion and branding design they have the perfect balance of …

  • Experimental

    Braille Neue

    by admin

    Braille Neue is a universal typeface that combines braille with existing characters. Created by Japanese designer Kosuke Takahashi, this typeface communicates to both the sighted and blind people in the …

  • DigitalExperimental


    by admin

    Designing for print on screen is tricky and always requires clarity. There is very little sense of the scale of typography, and colours often look different. This results in multiple …

  • Experimental

    Brutalist Type

    by admin

    This project aimed to explore the public’s sentimental dichotomy surrounding Brutalist aesthetic. It’s notorious for being one of the most controversial forms of architecture and Jack wanted to investigate these …

  • Splinter is a 3D typeface created by Arslan Shahid. Made from triangular pieces of cut up cardboard. It was created with the notion of war, taken from the perspective of …